Wednesday, July 10, 2013

U by Kotex #Sponsored

Okay, I'll admit, I was a tad hesitant to review a feminine hygiene product on my blog. Who wants to talk about periods, cramps, and the like? AWKWARD.  Kotex is breaking the barrier with their Generation Know campaign, promoting the open discussion of real facts, providing advice and knowledge about periods and other intimate details of womanhood. Together, Kotex believes women can banish embarrassment about menstruation and turn negative associations into a topic that we are well educated on and feel confident to speak about in the open

And I got to thinking, I really love the chic and trendy look of U by Kotex brand of tampons and liners. If only they had been around back when I was 13 and extremely embarrassed to have "started." Back in those days I was stuck with a cardboard applicator (yuck!) I think U by Kotex is the wave of the future for teens (and women!) alike.
The product that I chose to review was the U by Kotex Click Tampons featuring a small compact design which made it super easy to carry around wherever my day took me!  I chose the regular absorbency and the slim applicator made for easy and comfortable insertion. This tampon takes one easy "click" to go from compact to full size, simply. I loved how I could stow it away in my pocket or purse and sneak away to the bathroom without anyone knowing I was on my period!

Of course, the fun, bold colors didn't hurt.

I needed a tampon that could keep up with the chaotic college lifestyle of constantly being on my feet, diving into the neighbors pool, and dancing the night away. U by Kotex did just that! The only problem I had with the regulars is that they weren't quite strong enough for my second and third days when flow is heaviest. May need to upgrade to the super for those days.

Between PMS, cramps, and heavy days, "That time of the month" sucks enough as is. Might as well make it as pleasant as possible! Gotta love those days when you barely have to think about that visitor at all. I would with 100% certainty buy U by Kotex again!

Catch up with the U by Kotex campaign on facebook and twitter

I wrote this review while participating in a content series through Clever Girls Collective on behalf of U by Kotex, and received products to facilitate my post and compensation for my time to participate. 


  1. These are my FAVORITE tampons. Not even going to lie! They're all I use!

  2. i only use kotex products. love'm.

